Mar 25, 2023

(Part 2 of 2) Me: According to this article, ple ……

By : Su TG

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(Part 2 of 2)

Me: According to this article,
please design a multiple choice exercise with 10 questions and answer suitable for primary school year 3 student

ChatGPT: Sure, here’s a multiple-choice exercise based on the article about the Stone Age for Year 3 primary school students:

Multiple-Choice Exercise:

Choose the correct answer to the following questions based on the article about the Stone Age.

What is the Stone Age?
a) A time in history when humans used stone to make tools, weapons, and other objects.
b) A period of time when humans used metal to make tools and weapons.
c) A time when humans didn’t have any tools or weapons.

How many periods is the Stone Age divided into?
a) Two periods
b) Three periods
c) Four periods

What did early humans do during the Paleolithic period?
a) They were hunter-gatherers.
b) They were farmers.
c) They were miners.

When did the Paleolithic period end?
a) Around 2.6 million years ago
b) Around 10,000 BCE
c) Around 5,000 BCE

What did humans start to do during the Mesolithic period?
a) They began to settle in one place and domesticate animals.
b) They began to travel to different places.
c) They stopped using stone tools.

What did humans develop during the Neolithic period?
a) Agriculture
b) Pottery
c) Metals such as copper and bronze

What kind of artifacts were created by early humans during the Stone Age?
a) Cave paintings
b) Pottery
c) Metal tools

When did the Neolithic period end?
a) Around 2.6 million years ago
b) Around 10,000 BCE
c) Around 2,000 BCE

What did early humans use to make tools during the Mesolithic period?
a) Stone, bone, and antler
b) Wood and metal
c) Plastic and rubber

What did early humans do during the Paleolithic period?
a) Hunted animals and gathered plants for food
b) Built houses and cities
c) Worked in factories